Discogenic pain is the pain of the spinal disc between the two adjacent vertebrae. Vertebral discs are composing of a nucleus on the center (nucleus pulposus) and a capsule that surrounding this nucleus (annulus fibrosus) which is sensitive to pain. Aging of the disc, ie degeneration, tear in the capsule causes discogenic pain. This disease is mostly middle-aged. When the patient leans forward from time to time, it becomes lower back pain and that limits the range of motion. This pain is getting worse by standing for a long time or walking and easing with bed rest. The pain can spread to the buttocks, legs are not involved.

What are the causes of discogenic pain?

It is usually due to abuse of the spine. If the abdominal and back muscles are strong, this is good support for the spine. That’s why sports activities and exercising should be in our lives. Excess weight increases the burden of the spine, leading to degeneration. In addition, uncontrolled leaning forward, heavy load lifting, oblique waist movements are behaviors that disrupt discs. Familial predisposition, though weak, may also be a cause.

These patients are operated due to pain. If other forms of treatment choices (bed rest, medication, physical therapy) have been applied and failed, if the patient cannot continue his daily life due to pain, and says ‘’I cannot keep up with these pain anymore’’ than the surgery is the choice of treatment. Instrument (platinum) is placed in the spine during surgery. This may be the dynamic platinum we call dynamic, or it can be a stationary rigid instrument (platinum). Postoperative follow-up, abdominal and back muscle strengthening exercises and physical therapy are recommended after the sixth week.