Pain surgery is performed to extinguish the pain. However, it is important to feel pain. Because pain is the precursor of the disease. When the disease has been treated, the pain goes away. Pain surgery can be performed for patients who cannot be cured and suffering from chronic pain. Who are the patients that undergo to pain surgery? Pain surgery is preferred in patients who suffering from a cancer and no longer respond to treatment, patients who have undergone multiple spinal surgery and severe pain, and diabetes-related neuropathic pain.

We use several methods in pain surgery. These are;

Spinal Cord Stimulation: This is also called as pain pacemaker. We place an electrode on the spinal cord of the patient and connect it to a power source, a battery, and prevent the pain stimuli from going to the brain through electrical stimulations.

Cordotomy: In the cordotomy method, we cut the pain pathways leading to the brain on the spinal cord.

Pain Pump: In this method, we can stop the patient’s pain by giving analgesic into the cerebrospinal fluid.

Ganglion Blockage: We can interrupt the pain by interfering with the body of the nerve.