When looking at a standing person from the back, the alignment of the spine should be straight. If it curves like a bow or s-shape than it’s called scoliosis. It is seen that there is an abnormal bowing of the back and waist, one shoulder may lower than the other, the physiological lumbar lordosis may be interrupted and the ribs on one side of the back may form a protuberance-bump. The scoliotic curve can be right or left-sided.

There are several types of scoliosis. Briefly mention the most common:

Idiopathic Scoliosis: The cause is unknown. It is the most common type of scoliosis. There is a familial predisposition. It is seen in girls 10 times more than boys. It starts at 10-11 years old and if not noticed in the early stages, it progresses dramatically at 14-15 years old.

Congenital Scoliosis: It is a type of scoliosis caused by a defect present at birth. Treatment is often surgical. If it is noticed until the age of 4-5, it can be treated with much simpler surgery, perhaps without the need for an instrument (platinum).

Degenerative Scoliosis: Scoliosis occurs mostly in the elderly group (after the age of 50-60). The patient complains about back and lower back pain. There may be also leg pain. The walking distance and capability of the patient is shortened.

Neuromuscular Scoliosis: Scoliosis due to muscle weakness or paralysis.

Other Types of Scoliosis: Postural scoliosis (due to postural disorders), scoliosis due to spinal fractures, scoliosis due to spine inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis, infections ect.), scoliosis due to lower back pain.

Scoliosis is a surgically treatable disease. However, depending on the type and condition of scoliosis can be followed conservative for a while with corset, strengthening exercises for abdominal and back muscles can be given. After surgery, patients are usually kept for a long time (including years). The most important aspect of treatment is early recognition of the disease, and proper follow-up and treatment.